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Access Listing

Groups all IDM task cards in an group or package according to aircraft access

  • Navigation Option 1: Inspection Documents > Group Editor > Reports Dropdown > Access Listing > Go > Filter Items > Ok

  • Navigation Option 2: Inspection Documents > Package Editor > Reports Dropdown > Access Listing > Go > Filter Items > Ok

Access Panel Control Chart

  • Navigation Option 1: Planning & Production > Job Card Listing > Reports Button > Access Panel Control Chart & Filter Items > View Report

  • Navigation Option 2: Stores > Job Card Listing > Reports Button > Access Panel Control Chart & Filter Items > View Report

Access Panel Detail

Groups all job cards in an inspection package according to aircraft access

  • Navigation Option 1: Planning & Production > Job Card Listing > Reports Button > Access Panel Detail & Filter Items > View Report

  • Navigation Option 2: Stores > Job Card Listing > Reports Button > Access Panel Detail & Filter Items > View Report

Account Code Assignment Report

  • Navigation: Settings > Account Code List > Print

Air Waybill

  • Navigation: Stores > Shipping Bills > Shipping Bill Details > Print Dropdown > Print Air Waybill > Print

Aircraft Status Report

  • Navigation Option 1: Item Management > Assembly Tree > Aircraft Serial Number Details > Reports Dropdown > Aircraft Status Report > Go > Filter Items > View Report

  • Navigation Option 2: Item Management > Item Editor > Item Type: Aircraft > Serial Number Details > Reports Dropdown > Aircraft Status Report > Go > Filter Items > View Report

Aircraft Utilization Summary Report

The Aircraft Utilization Summary Report can be used to view a summary of the selected aircraft’s hours, landings, HSN, LSN, and logs over a specified time period.

  • Navigation Option 1: Reports and Dashboards > Item Management > Aircraft Utilization Summary Report > Filter Items > Next

  • Navigation Option 2: Item Management > Item Editor - Item Type: Aircraft > Part Description Detail or Part Number Detail > Reports Dropdown > Aircraft Utilization Summary Report > Go > Filter Items > Next

Alternate Part Numbers Listing

Provides a complete listing of all master part numbers and associated alternate part numbers.

  • Navigation: Reports and Dashboards > Item Management > Alternate Part Numbers Listing

Area Detail

Groups all job cards in an inspection package according to aircraft area.

  • Navigation Option 1: Stores > Job Card Listing > Reports Button > Area Detail & Filter Items > View Report

  • Navigation Option 2: Planning and Production > Job Card Listing > Reports Button > Area Detail & Filter Items > View Report

Assembly Listing/Summary

Provides a complete list of all parts attached to an assembly or aircraft. Detailed constraint information is displayed for each part, and is grouped by sub-assembly to allow easy location of part information.

  • Navigation: Item Management > Assembly Reporting > Filter Items > Generate

Batch/Lot Detail

  • Navigation: Reports and Dashboards > Purchasing > Batch/Lot Detail > Print

Commercial Invoice

Provides customs declaration when exporting items across international borders. This report shows the shipping transactions, which includes the shipper, receiver and details regarding the items being shipped.

  • Navigation: Stores > Shipping Bills > Shipping Bill Detail > Print Dropdown > Print Invoice > Print

Compliance History

Provides a historical listing by serial number for a selected constraint, limiter and start/end dates. Details are sorted by serial number, position and action date. This report is available for most item types at the part number and serial number levels for items with active constraints.

  • Navigation Option 1: Item Management > Assembly Tree > Serial Number Detail > Reports Dropdown > Compliance History Report > Go > Filter Items > OK

  • Navigation Option 2: Item Management > Item Editor > Part Number Detail or Serial Number Detail > Reports Dropdown > Compliance History Report > Go > Filter Items > OK

Component Reliability

Reports all scheduled and unscheduled removals for all serial numbers of a part number within a calendar period, including percent remaining. Unscheduled removal entries show a description of the problem that caused the unscheduled removal. Graphs are provided to visually display problem breakdown by percentage and the ratio of scheduled to unscheduled removals. Can be generated for a single serial number from the Serial Number Detail screen. This report is for components with active constraints. For on-condition components see the Rate of Removal Report.

  • Navigation Option 1: Item Management > Assembly Tree > Serial Number Detail > Reports Dropdown > Component Reliability Report > Go > Filter Items > OK

  • Navigation Option 2: Item Management > Item Editor > Part Number Detail or Serial Number Detail > Reports Dropdown > Component Reliability Report > Go > Filter Items > OK

Configuration List

Provides a hard copy report of the on-screen Configuration Listing for the selected assembly or aircraft, according to the selected sort order.

  • Navigation: Item Management > Item Editor > Part Number Detail > View Config > Print

Consignment and Loans

See: Consignment Stock Taken, Internal Loans/Borrows, Exchange - Inbound, and Exchange - Outbound

Consignment Stock Taken

  • Navigation: Stores > Consignment and Loans > Consignment Stock Taken & Filter Items > Print

Consumable Label

Shows part information for consumable item types.

  • Navigation Option 1: Item Management > Item Editor > Item Type: Consumable > Serial Number Details > Trace > Report Dropdown > Label > First Printer Icon

  • Navigation Option 2: Stores > Expense Center Transactions > Serial Number Details > Trace > Report Dropdown > Label > First Printer Icon

  • Navigation Option 3: Quick Find > Serial Number or Trace Search > Trace Hyperlink > Report Dropdown > Label > First Printer Icon

  • Navigation Option 4: Purchasing > Orders > Order Details > Items Received > Print Button on Items Received Tab > Print Consumable Label > Print

  • Navigation Option 5: Purchasing > Orders > Items Received Tab > Print Consumable Label (Printer Icon)

Control Sheet (IDM Sheet Group)

  • Navigation: Inspection Documents > Group Editor > Reports Dropdown > Control Sheet > Go > Filter Items > Ok

Control Sheet (Job Card Listing)

Hard copy of the job card listing module. The job card listing module allows the user to apply special filters and sort orders to an inspection package. This report allows printout of the user's current filter and order selection.

  • Navigation Option 1: Planning and Production > Job Card Listing > Reports > Control Sheet & Filter Items > View Report

  • Navigation Option 2: Stores > Job Card Listing > Reports > Control Sheet & Filter Items > View Report

Defect Analysis Report

  • Navigation Option 1: Planning and Production > Defect Analysis > Filter Items > Generate > Print

  • Navigation Option 2: Item Management > Item Editor > Item Type: All > Part Description Details > Report Dropdown > Type Defect Analysis Report > Go > Filter Items > Print

Deferred Defect

  • Navigation Option 1: Reports and Dashboards > Planning and Production > Job Card Reporting > Output Format: Deferred Defect & Filter Items > Next

  • Navigation Option 2: Planning and Production > Job Card Listing > Reports > Job Card Reporting > View Report > Output Format: Deferred Defect & Filter Items > Next

  • Navigation Option 3: Stores > Job Card Listing > Reports > Job Card Reporting > View Report > Output Format: Deferred Defect & Filter Items > Next

Delivery and Status Report

  • Navigation Option 1: Item Management > Item Editor > Item Type: All (Except Training and Consumable) > Serial Number Details > Reports Dropdown > Delivery and Status Report > Go

  • Navigation Option 2: Item Management > Delivery & Status Reports > Filter Items > Generate

EASA Form 1

A European Aviation Safety Agency (EU) component certificate of release to service (CRS) form. Trace report drop-down populated from the Trace/Receipt Record Report Types section in Settings - Company Settings.

  • Navigation Option 1: Item Management > Item Editor > Serial Number Details > Trace > Report Dropdown > EASA Form 1 - Issue 1 > First Printer Icon

  • Navigation Option 2: Stores > Expense Center Transactions > Serial Number Details > Trace > Report Dropdown > EASA Form 1 - Issue 1 > First Printer Icon

  • Navigation Option 3: Quick Find > Serial Number or Trace Search > Trace Hyperlink > Report Dropdown > EASA Form 1 - Issue 1 > First Printer Icon

Employee Rectification History

  • Navigation: Technical Records > TMI Manager > Reports Dropdown > Employee Rectification History > View > Filter Items > View Report

Engine/Prop Utilization Summary Report

  • Navigation: Item Management > Item Editor > Item Type: Engine or Propeller > Part Description or Part Number Details > Reports Dropdown > Engine/Prop Utilization Summary Report > Go > Filter Items > Next

Exchange - Inbound

  • Navigation: Stores > Consignment and Loans > Exchange - Inbound & Filter Items > Print

Exchange - Outbound

  • Navigation: Stores > Consignment and Loans > Exchange - Outbound & Filter Items > Print

Expense Center Detail

Groups all job cards in an inspection package according to work order number.

  • Navigation Option 1: Planning and Production > Job Card Listing > Reports > Expense Center Detail & Filter Items > View Report

  • Navigation Option 2: Stores > Job Card Listing > Reports > Expense Center Detail & Filter Items > View Report

Expired Part List Report

  • Navigation: Stores > Expired Part List > Filter Items > Next > Print

FAA Form 8130-3

A Federal Aviation Administration (US) component certificate of release to service (CRS) form. Trace report drop-down populated from the Trace/Receipt Record Report Types section in Settings - Company Settings.

  • Navigation: Item Management > Item Editor > Serial Number Details > Trace > Report Dropdown > FAA Form 8130-3 > First Printer Icon

  • Navigation Option 2: Stores > Expense Center Transactions > Serial Number Details > Trace > Report Dropdown > FAA Form 8130-3 > First Printer Icon

  • Navigation Option 3: Quick Find > Serial Number or Trace Search > Trace Hyperlink > Report Dropdown > FAA Form 8130-3 > First Printer Icon

Financial Expenditure Forecast

Shows job cost totals for maintenance forecasting items.

  • Navigation: Planning and Production > Maintenance Forecast > Filter Items > Generate > Utilization Rates > OK > Print > Financial Expenditure Forecast > Print

Fleet 12 Month Reliability

Displays the Snags/100 Hrs and UCL for a specific aircraft for the most current 12 month period. Appended to each report is supporting graph.

  • Navigation: Item Management > Item Editor > Item Type: Aircraft > Part Description Details > Reports Dropdown > Fleet 12 Month Reliability Report > Go

Fleet Reliability Report

Displays the Defects/100 Hrs for a specific aircraft type in graph form.

  • Navigation: Reports and Dashboards > Item Management > Fleet Reliability Report > Filter Items > Generate

Fleet Status Report

Lists the serviceability status of any part number or aircraft type.

  • Navigation: Reports and Dashboards > Item Management > Fleet Status Report > Filter Items > Generate

Flight Log Listing Report

  • Navigation: Technical Records > Flight Logs > View Flight Logs > Filter > Dates > Apply Filter > Print

Fluid Consumption Report

  • Navigation: Technical Records > Flight Logs > Report Dropdown > Fluid Consumption Report > View > Filter Items > Print

General Listing

  • Navigation Option 1: Inspection Documents > Group Editor > Reports Dropdown > General Listing > Go > Filter Items > Ok

  • Navigation Option 2: Inspection Documents > Package Editor > Reports Dropdown > General Listing > Go > Filter Items > Ok

  • Navigation Option 3: Inspection Documents > Task Editor > Print

Group Completion Status

  • Navigation Option 1: Planning and Production > Job Card Listing > Reports > Group Completion Status & Filter Items > View Report

  • Navigation Option 2: Stores > Job Card Listing > Reports > Group Completion Status & Filter Items > View Report

Group Control Sheet / Task Tally

  • Navigation: Inspection Documents > Group Editor > Reports Dropdown > Control Sheet > Filter Items > Ok

Hazardous Materials Listing Report

Displays a list of inventory items that have been specified as containing hazardous materials.

  • Navigation: Reports and Dashboards > Item Management > Hazardous Materials Listing Report

Inspection Program Report

  • Navigation: Reports and Dashboards > Inspection Documents > Inspection Program Report > Filter Items > Go

Installation and Removal

Shows installation and removal logs for a specific aircraft within a calendar period.

  • Navigation Option 1: Item Management > Item Editor > Item Type: All > Serial Number Details > Reports Dropdown: Installation and Removal Report > Go > Filter Items > Print

  • Navigation Option 2: Technical Records > TMI Manager > Reports Dropdown > Installation and Removal > View > Filter Items > Print

Installation Status

  • Navigation: Item Management > Item Editor > Item Type: Engine, Propeller, Serialized, or Non-Serialized > Part Description Details or Part Number Details > Reports Dropdown > Installation Status Report > Go > Filter Items > Next

Internal Loans/Borrows

  • Navigation: Stores > Consignment and Loans > Internal Loans/Borrows & Filter Items > Print

Inventory Barcode

Prints barcodes labels for all parts included in the inventory count.

  • Navigation: Stores > Inventory Counts > Base > Active Inventory Part Counts > Inventory Part Count Details > Reports > Inventory Barcode > OK

Inventory Classification

  • Navigation: Reports and Dashboards > Stores > Inventory Classification > Filter Items > Print

Inventory Count Detail Listing / Trace Creation

  • Navigation: Stores > Inventory Counts > Base Inventory > Active Inventory Part Counts > Inventory Part Count Details > Reports > Inventory Count Detail Listing or Inventory Count Trace Creation > OK

Inventory Count Sheet

Lists all parts by inventory type and position. Part quantity is broken down by trace number.

  • Navigation: Stores > Inventory Counts > Base > Active Inventory Part Counts > Inventory Part Count Details > Reports > Inventory Count Sheet > OK

Inventory Exception

  • Navigation: Item Management > Assembly Tree > Base > Inventory > Serial Number Details > Report Dropdown > Inventory Exception Report > Go > Filter Items > Print

Inventory Issues Report

  • Navigation Option 1: Reports and Dashboards > Item Management > Inventory Issues Report > Filter Items > View Report

  • Navigation Option 2: Item Management > Item Editor > Item Type: Consumable, Engine, Ground Equipment, Non-Serialized, Propeller, Serialized, or Tool > Part Number Details > Reports Dropdown > Inventory Issues Report > Go > Filter Items > View Report

  • Navigation Option 3: Item Management > Assembly Tree > Base > Inventory > Serial Number Details > Report Dropdown > Inventory Issues Report > Go > Filter Items > Print

Inventory Listing

Lists all parts, their positions and quantities. Multiple sort orders are available for easy inventory counting.

  • Navigation: Item Management > Assembly Tree > Base > Inventory > Serial Number Details > Report Dropdown > Inventory Listing Report > Go > Filter Items > Next > Filter Items > Next

Inventory Part Count

  • Navigation: Stores > Inventory Counts > Base Inventory > Active Inventory Part Counts > Inventory Count Details > Reports > Inventory Count Detail Listing > OK

Inventory Tracking Report

  • Navigation: Reports and Dashboards > Purchasing > Item Transactions Report > Report Type: Inventory Tracking > Filter Items > Print

Inventory Value Report

Lists the values of all non-rotable parts within an inventory.

  • Navigation Option 1: Reports and Dashboards > Item Management > Inventory Value Report > Filter Items > View Report

  • Navigation Option 2: Item Management > Assembly Tree > Base or Inventory Serial Number Details > Reports Dropdown > Inventory Value Report > Go > Filter Items > View Report

  • Navigation Option 3: Item Management > Item Editor > Item Type: Base > Serial Number Details > Reports Dropdown > Inventory Value Report > Go > Filter Items > View Report

Invoice Report

  • Navigation Option 1: Reports and Dashboards > Stores > Invoice Report > Filter Items > Print

  • Navigation Option 2: Stores > Expense Center Transactions > Invoice > Review/Print Tab > Filter Items > Print

Issued Part List

  • Navigation: Planning and Production > Work Packs > Work Pack Details > Print Issued Parts

Item Transactions Report

  • Navigation: Reports and Dashboards > Purchasing > Item Transactions Report > Filter Items > Print

Job Card Details

  • Navigation Option 1: Planning and Production > Job Card Listing > Generate > Job Card Detail > Print

  • Navigation Option 2: Stores > Job Card Listing > Generate > Job Card Detail > Print

Job Card Issued Parts List

  • Navigation Option 1: Planning and Production > Job Card Listing > Generate > Job Card Detail > Issued Parts Tab > Print Issued Parts

  • Navigation Option 2: Stores > Job Card Listing > Generate > Job Card Detail > Issued Parts Tab > Print Issued Parts

Job Card Listing Report

Hard-copy of the job card listing sub-module. The job card listing sub-module allows the user to apply special filters and sort orders to an inspection package. This report allows hard-copy printout of the user's current filter and order selection.

  • Navigation Option 1: Planning and Production > Job Card Listing > Generate > Print JC List > Filter Items > Yes or No

  • Navigation Option 2: Stores > Job Card Listing > Generate > Print JC List > Filter Items > Yes or No

Job Card Part List

  • Navigation Option 1: Planning and Production > Job Card Listing > Generate > Job Card Details > Part List Tab > Part List Rep

  • Navigation Option 2: Stores > Job Card Listing > Generate > Job Card Details > Part List Tab > Part List Rep

Job Card Pick List

  • Navigation Option 1: Planning and Production > Job Card Listing > Generate > Job Card Details > Part List Tab > Pick List Rep

  • Navigation Option 2: Stores > Job Card Listing > Generate > Job Card Details > Part List Tab > Pick List Rep

Job Card Printout

Provides a hard copy of the job card.

  • Navigation Option 1: Stores or Planning and Production > Job Card Listing > Generate > Print Icon

  • Navigation Option 2: Stores or Planning and Production > Job Card Listing > Print JCs > Filter Items > Print

  • Navigation Option 3: Stores or Planning and Production > Job Card Listing > Generate > Job Card Detail > Print

  • Navigation Option 4: Stores or Planning and Production > Work Packs > Work Pack Detail > Job Card Detail > Print

Job Card Reporting

A tool containing many reports in one. Allows the user to report on any job card in the system regardless of status.

  • Navigation Option 1: Reports and Dashboards > Planning and Production > Job Card Reporting > Filter Items > Next

  • Navigation Option 2: Planning and Production > Job Card Listing > Reports > Job Card Reporting > View Report > Filter Items > Next

  • Navigation Option 3: Stores > Job Card Listing > Reports > Job Card Reporting > View Report > Filter Items > Next

Job Card Template Part List

  • Navigation Option 1: Planning and Production > Job Card Templates > Applicable Installation Details > Part List Rpt

Job Cost Summary Report

  • Navigation: Planning and Production > Job Card Listing > Job Cost > Filter Items > View Report

  • Navigation: Stores > Job Card Listing > Job Cost > Filter Items > View Report

Job Scheduling Analysis Report

  • Navigation: Planning and Production > Job Scheduling Analysis > Generate > Print > Filter Items > Generate

Jobs In Progress Report

Lists parts and/or labour issued within the specified date range against job cards that were new or open during the specified date range.

  • Navigation: Reports and Dashboards > Stores > Jobs in Progress Report > Filter Items > View


  • Navigation Option 1: Item Management > Item Editor > Serial Number Details > Trace > Report Dropdown > Label > First Printer Icon

  • Navigation Option 2: Stores > Expense Center Transactions > Serial Number Details > Trace > Report Dropdown > Label > First Printer Icon

  • Navigation Option 3: Quick Find > Serial Number or Trace Search > Trace Hyperlink > Report Dropdown > Label > First Printer Icon

Labour Cost

  • Navigation: Item Management > Assembly Tree > Base > Inventory > Serial Number Details > Reports Dropdown > Labour Cost > Go > Dates > Next > Filter Items > Next

Labour Detail Report

  • Navigation Option 1: Planning and Production > Labour Entry > Reports > Filter Items > Print

  • Navigation Option 2: Planning and Production > Job Card Listing > Job Card Details > Trade / Access / Ref Tab > Print Labour Detail Report > Filter Items > Print

  • Navigation Option 3: Stores > Job Card Listing > Job Card Details > Trade / Access / Ref Tab > Print Labour Detail Report > Filter Items > Print

Maintenance Forecast (Details/Summary)

Hard copy of a maintenance forecast. The maintenance forecast allows the user to create many different narrow and broad-based forecasts, against individual aircraft or other parts. Forecasts can be presented in many different sort orders.

  • Navigation (Details): Planning and Production > Maintenance Forecast > Filter Items > Generate > Utilization Rates > OK > Print > Maintenance Forecast Details > Print

  • Navigation (Summary): Planning and Production > Maintenance Forecast > Filter Items > Generate > Utilization Rates > OK > Print > Maintenance Forecast Summary > Print

Maintenance Releases Required

  • Navigation Option 1: Reports and Dashboards > Planning and Production > Job Card Reporting> Output Formats: Maintenance Releases Required > Next

  • Navigation Option 2: Planning and Production > Job Card Listing > Reports > Job Card Reporting > View Report > Output Formats: Maintenance Release Required > Filter Items > Next 

  • Navigation Option 3: Stores > Job Card Listing > Reports > Job Card Reporting > View Report > Output Formats: Maintenance Release Required > Filter Items > Next 

Material Shortage Report

Lists the parts required by all job cards for a base.

  • Navigation Option 1: Reports and Dashboards > Planning and Production > Material Shortage Report > Filter Items > Print

Lists the parts required by all job cards for a Job Card Group.

  • Navigation Option 2: Planning and Production > Job Card Listing > Reports > Material Shortage Detail & Filter Items > View Report > Filter Items > Print

  • Navigation Option 3: Stores > Job Card Listing > Reports > Material Shortage Detail & Filter Items > View Report > Filter Items > Print

Lists the parts required for a specific Job Card.

  • Navigation Option 4: Planning and Production > Job Card Listing > Generate > Job Card Details > Part List Tab > Shortage Rep

  • Navigation Option 5: Stores > Job Card Listing > Generate > Job Card Details > Part List Tab > Shortage Rep

MCCA Form one

  • Navigation Option 1: Item Management > Item Editor > Serial Number Details > Trace > Report Dropdown > MCCA Form One > First Printer Icon

  • Navigation Option 2: Stores > Expense Center Transactions > Serial Number Details > Trace > Report Dropdown > MCCA Form One > First Printer Icon

  • Navigation Option 3: Quick Find > Serial Number or Trace Search > Trace Hyperlink > Report Dropdown > MCCA Form One > First Printer Icon

Min Max Reports

Consumable minimum and maximum detail for an individual inventory. Information is restricted to those part numbers that exceed maximum or are below minimum values.

  • Navigation: Stores > Min Max Reorder > Filter Items > View Report > Print Report

Min/Max Settings

  • Navigation: Stores > Min Max Settings > Filter Items > Generate Min/Max > Print Report

Modification Log

Modification log book for a specific aircraft within a calendar period.

  • Navigation: Technical Records > TMI Manager > Reports Dropdown > Modification Log > View > Filter Items > Print

Multi-task per page output

  • Navigation Option 1: Inspection Documents > Group Editor > Reports Dropdown > Multi-task per page output > Go > Filter Items > Ok

  • Navigation Option 2: Inspection Documents > Package Editor > Reports Dropdown > Multi-task per page output > Go > Filter Items > Ok

Non-Consumable Label

  • Navigation Option 1: Item Management > Item Editor > Item Type: All except Consumable > Serial Number Details > Trace > Dropdown List > Label > First Printer Icon

  • Navigation Option 2: Stores > Expense Center Transactions > Trace (if available, located within the Description) > Trace hyperlink > Dropdown List > Label > First Printer Icon

  • Navigation Option 3: Quick Find (Accessible from all modules except IDM) > Perform a Serial Number or Trace Search > Trace hyperlink > Dropdown List > Label > First Printer Icon

  • Navigation Option 4: Purchasing > Orders > Order Details > Items Received > Print Button on Items Received Tab > Print Non-Consumable Label > Print

  • Navigation Option 5: Purchasing > Orders > Order Details > Items Received > Print Non-Consumable Label (Printer Icon)

  • Navigation Option 6: Any location where Serial Number Details can be viewed for a Non-Consumable item > Trace > Dropdown List > Label > First Printer Icon

On Order

Lists all parts currently on order for a specific part number and all of it's alternates.

  • Navigation Option 1: Item Management > Item Editor > All Item Types > Part Number Details > Report Dropdown > On Order Report > Go

  • Navigation Option 2: Item Management > Item Editor > All Item Types except Employee > Serial Number Details > Report Dropdown > On Order Report > Go

  • Navigation Option 3: Item Management > Assembly Tree - All Assembly Tree Items, including all items under Inventory, but excluding Inventory > Serial Number Details > Report Dropdown > On Order Report > Go

Onboard 14 Day - Inspection Alert Card

  • Navigation Option 1: Reports and Dashboards > Planning and Production > Job Card Reporting > View Report > Output Format: 14 Day Report as of [Date] > Filter Items > Next

  • Navigation Option 2: Planning and Production > Job Card Listing > Reports > Job Card Reporting > View Report > Output Format: 14 Day Report as of [Date] > Filter Items > Next

  • Navigation Option 3: Stores > Job Card Listing > Reports > Job Card Reporting > View Report > Output Format: 14 Day Report as of [Date] > Filter Items > Next

Open Order Report

Lists all open orders by vendor.

  • Navigation: Reports and Dashboards > Purchasing > Open Order Report

Order Report / Print Orders

Provides a hard copy of an order. The printout can be restricted to a specific order or a range of orders.

  • Navigation Option 1: Reports and Dashboards > Purchasing > Print Orders > Filter Items > Print

  • Navigation Option 2: Purchasing > Orders > Order Details > Print

Order Transactions Report

Lists order items that have been received for one or all vendors within a specified date range.

  • Navigation: Reports and Dashboards > Purchasing > Order Transactions Report > Filter Items > Print

Origin/Descendant Job Card Detail

  • Navigation Option 1: Planning and Production > Job Card Listing > Reports > Origin/Descendant Job Card Detail & Filter Items > View Report > Trade Filters > Next

  • Navigation Option 2: Stores > Job Card Listing > Reports > Origin/Descendant Job Card Detail & Filter Items > View Report > Trade Filters > Next

Outstanding Core Returns Report

Lists all purchase orders that indicate an outstanding required core return.

  • Navigation: Reports and Dashboards > Purchasing > Outstanding Core Returns Report

Outstanding Job Card Report

Displays all issued job cards.

  • Navigation Option 1: Reports and Dashboards > Planning and Production > Job Card Reporting > Output Format: Outstanding Job Card Report > Filter Items > Next

  • Navigation Option 2: Planning and Production > Job Card Listing > Reports > Job Card Reporting > View Report > Output Format: Outstanding Job Card Report > Filter Items > Next

  • Navigation Option 3: Stores > Job Card Listing > Reports > Job Card Reporting > View Report > Output Format: Outstanding Job Card Report > Filter Items > Next

Outstanding Order Items Report

Lists purchase order items yet to be received on all sent orders for one or all vendors as of a specific date.

  • Navigation: Reports and Dashboards > Purchasing > Outstanding Order Items Report > Filter Items > Print

Outstanding RFQ Items Report

Lists all open and sent RFQs.

  • Navigation: Reports and Dashboards > Purchasing > Outstanding RFQ Items Report

Part Number Fleet Limitation

  • Navigation: Reports and Dashboards > Item Management > Part Number Fleet Limitation > Filter Items > Next

Part Request Listing

Hard copy of the part request listing module. The part request listing module allows the user to apply special filters and sort orders to the part request list. This report allows hardcopy printout of the users current filter and order selection.

  • Navigation: Stores > Part Requests Listing > Reports > Print List

Part Request Printout (Part Request Details)

Provides a printable part request form. The printout can be restricted to a specific part request or can allow a range of part requests numbers.

  • Navigation Option 1: Stores > Part Requests Listing > Reports > Part Request Print Out > Print > Range > OK (enter the same starting and ending PR number for a single PR or a range for multiple)

  • Navigation Option 2: Stores > Part Requests Listing > Part Request Detail > Print

Parts Accrual Report

  • Navigation: Reports and Dashboards > Purchasing > Item Transactions Report > Report Type: Parts Accrual > Filter Items > Print

Parts Listing

  • Navigation Option 1: Inspection Documents > Group Editor > Reports Dropdown > Parts Listing > Go > Filter Items > Ok

  • Navigation Option 2: Inspection Documents > Package Editor > Reports Dropdown > Parts Listing > Go > Filter Items > Ok

PR Pick List

Provides a hard copy of the Pick List including bar codes for each part.

  • Navigation Option 1: Stores > Part Requests Listing > Pick List > Print Pick List

  • Navigation Option 2: Stores > Pick Lists > Pick List Details > Print Pick List

Print Badge Report

  • Navigation: Settings > Employee Information > Employee Details > Print Badge

Print Quote Report

  • Navigation: Planning & Production > JCT Groups & Quotes > Select “Quotes” > Quote Details > Print Quote

Production Planning Report

  • Navigation Option 1: Reports and Dashboards > Planning and Production > Job Card Reporting > Output Format: Production Planning Report & Filter Items > Next

  • Navigation Option 2: Planning and Production > Job Card Listing > Reports > Job Card Reporting > View Report > Output Format: Production Planning Report & Filter Items > Next

  • Navigation Option 3: Stores > Job Card Listing > Reports > Job Card Reporting > View Report > Output Format: Production Planning Report & Filter Items > Next

Project Completion Status

  • Navigation: Planning and Production > Work Packs > Work Pack Details > Status Report

Purchase History

Provides purchase history for a specific part number and its alternatives within a calendar period.

  • Navigation Option 1: Item Management > Assembly Tree - All Assembly Tree items, including all items under Inventory, but excluding Inventory > Serial Number Detail > Report Dropdown > Purchase History Report > Go > Choose Vendor > Go > Filter Date > Print

  • Navigation Option 2: Item Management > Item Editor - All Item Types > Part Number Detail > Report Dropdown > Purchase History Report > Go > Choose Vendor > Go > Filter Date > Print

  • Navigation Option 3: Item Management > Item Editor - All Item Types except Employee > Serial Number Detail > Report Dropdown > Purchase History Report > Go > Choose Vendor > Go > Filter Date > Print

Quote Price Variation Report

Displays the total value of items ordered vs. items received for closed purchase orders within a calendar period for one or all vendors.

  • Navigation: Reports and Dashboards > Purchasing > Quote Price Variation Report > Filter Items > Print

Rate of Removal Report

Displays the frequency with which serial numbers of a part number have been removed within a calendar period.

Reports all scheduled and unscheduled removals for a part number within a calendar period. Unscheduled removal entries show a description of the problem that caused the unscheduled removal. A graph is provided to visually display recurrent problems. Appended to each report is a graph displaying the ratio of scheduled to unscheduled removals. 

  • Navigation Option 1: Item Management > Item Editor > Item Type - All except Inspection > Part Description Details > Report Dropdown > Rate of Removal Report > Go > Filter Dates > Print

  • Navigation Option 2: Item Management > Item Editor > Item Type - All except Inspection > Part Number Details > Report Dropdown > Rate of Removal Report > Go > Filter Dates > Print

Receiving Report

  • Navigation Option 1: Reports and Dashboards > Purchasing > Receiving Report > Filter Items > Print

  • Navigation Option 2: Purchasing > Orders > Order Details > Rec Report > Filter Items > Print

Reference Listing

  • Navigation Option 1: Inspection Documents > Group Editor > Reports Dropdown > Go > Filter Items > Ok

  • Navigation Option 2: Inspection Documents > Package Editor > Reports Dropdown > Go > Filter Items > Ok

Reference Material Detail

Groups all job cards in an inspection package according to maintenance manual reference.

  • Navigation Option 1: Planning and Production > Job Card Listing > Reports > Reference Material Detail & Filter Items > View Report

  • Navigation Option 2: Stores > Job Card Listing > Reports > Reference Material Detail & Filter Items > View Report

Rental/Loaner Expiration Forecast

Displays a list of parts whose rental periods are due to expire within a specified number of hours, landings, or days.

  • Navigation Option 1: Reports and Dashboards > Item Management > Rental/Loaner Expiration Forecast > Filter Items > Ok

  • Navigation Option 2: Item Management > Item Editor > Item Type: Aircraft/Base/Ground Equipment > Serial Number > Reports Dropdown > Rental/Loaner Expiration Forecast > Go > Filter Items > Ok

Repair Order (History)

Provides a historical listing detailing repair orders for a specific part within a calendar period.

  • Navigation Option 1: Item Management > Assembly Tree - All Assembly Tree Items, including all items under Inventory, but excluding Inventory > Serial Number Details > Reports Dropdown > Repair Order Report > Go > Filter Dates > Print

  • Navigation Option 2: Item Management > Item Editor > All Items except Employee > Serial Number Details > Reports Dropdown > Repair Order Report > Go > Filter Dates > Print

Request For Quotation

  • Navigation: Purchasing > Request For Quotation > View RFQ > Select Part Numbers > Print RFQ

Requires Setup

Shows all items that still have the 'Requires Setup' box checked on

  • Navigation Option 1: Item Management > Assembly Tree > All Assembly Tree Items except Company > Serial Number Details > Reports Dropdown > Requires Setup Report > Go

  • Navigation Option 2: Item Management > Item Editor > All Items Types except Consumables, Employee, Ground Equipment, and Tools > Serial Number Details > Reports Dropdown > Requires Setup Report > Go

Rotable Values Report

Provides a financial listing of all rotable parts within a location. The financial information consists of core and overhaul values, a resale value and a pro-rated value showing the current value based on the parts remaining TBO.

  • Navigation: Item Management > Assembly Tree > Base > Inventory > Serial Number Details > Reports Dropdown > Rotable Value Report > Go

Sales Journal Report

  • Navigation: Reports and Dashboards > Stores > Sales Journal Report > Dates > View

Scrapped Parts Report

  • Navigation: Reports and Dashboards > Item Management > Scrapped Parts Report > Filter Items > View Report

Serial Number History Report

Displays all serial number history collected for a specific serial number since being created in RAAS.

  • Navigation Option 1: Item Management > Item Editor > All Items Types except Employee and Training Requirements > Part Description Details > Reports Dropdown > Serial Number History Report > Go > Filters Items > Next

  • Navigation Option 2: Item Management > Item Editor > All Items Types except Employee, Non-Serialized and Training Requirements > Part Number Details > Reports Dropdown > Serial Number History Report > Go > Filters Items > Next

  • Navigation Option 2: Item Management > Item Editor > All Items Types Training Requirements > Serial Number Details > Reports Dropdown > Serial Number History Report > Go > Filters Items > Next

Serialized Export

  • Navigation: Reports and Dashboards > Item Management > Serialized Export

Shipping Bill

Provides a hard copy bill of lading for goods shipped.

  • Navigation: Stores > Shipping Bills > Select a Shipping Bill > Print Dropdown > Print Shipping Bill > Print

Shipping Bill Transfers Report (Incoming/Outgoing)

Lists all parts moved from one inventory to another within a calendar period.

  • Navigation: Stores > Shipping Bills > Transfers Rpt > Filter Items > Next

Singe-task per page output

  • Navigation Option 1: Inspection Documents > Group Editor > Reports Dropdown > Single-task per page output > Go > Filter Items > Ok

  • Navigation Option 2: Inspection Documents > Package Editor > Reports Dropdown > Single-task per page output > Go > Filter Items > Ok

Stale Parts

Lists the shelf days acquired by each part within a selected inventory.

  • Navigation: Item Management > Assembly Tree > Company > Base > Inventory > Serial Number Details > Reports Dropdown > Stale Reports Report > Go > Filter Items > Print

Task Assignment Report

  • Navigation: Planning and Production > Task Assignment > Print

Task Status Report

  • Navigation: Reports and Dashboards > Inspection Documents > Task Status Report > Filter Items > View Rpt

TCCA 24-0078

The TCCA 24-0078 is a Transport Canada Civil Aviation (CA) component certificate of release to service (CRS) form. See Transport Canada for more information about Canada's Form One /24-0078.

  • Navigation Option 1: Item Management > Item Editor > Serial Number Details > Trace > Report Dropdown > TCCA 24-0078 > First Printer Icon

  • Navigation Option 2: Stores > Expense Center Transactions > Serial Number Details > Trace > Report Dropdown > TCCA 24-0078 > First Printer Icon

  • Navigation Option 3: Quick Find > Serial Number or Trace Search > Trace Hyperlink > Report Dropdown > TCCA 24-0078 > First Printer Icon

TCCA Form One

  • Navigation Option 1: Item Management > Item Editor > Serial Number Details > Trace > Report Dropdown > TCCA Form One > First Printer Icon

  • Navigation Option 2: Stores > Expense Center Transactions > Serial Number Details > Trace > Report Dropdown > TCCA Form One > First Printer Icon

  • Navigation Option 3: Quick Find > Serial Number or Trace Search > Trace Hyperlink > Report Dropdown > TCCA Form One > First Printer Icon

Technical Log Book

Prints the Technical Log Book for the selected Serial Number within a calendar period.

  • Navigation: Technical Records > TMI Manager > Filter Items > Report Dropdown > Technical Log > View

Tool Allocation Detail Report

  • Navigation: Stores > Tool Allocation Listing > View Report

Tool Utilization Report

  • Navigation: Stores > Tool Allocation Listing > Tool Utilization > Filter Items > View Report

Trace Scanned Documents

  • Navigation Option 1: Item Management > Item Editor > Serial Number Details > Trace > Scanned Documents Dropdown > Second Printer Icon

  • Navigation Option 2: Stores > Expense Center Transactions > Serial Number Details > Trace > Scanned Documents Dropdown > Second Printer Icon

  • Navigation Option 3: Quick Find > Serial Number or Trace Search > Trace Hyperlink > Scanned Documents Dropdown > Second Printer Icon

Trade Detail

  • Navigation Option 1: Planning and Production > Job Card Listing > Reports > Trade Detail & Filter Items > View Report > Filter Items > Next

  • Navigation Option 2: Stores > Job Card Listing > Reports > Trade Detail & Filter Items > View Report > Filter Items > Next

Type Defect Rate UCL Calculator

  • Navigation: Item Management > Type Defect Rate UCL Calculator > Select single Aircraft Type > Filter Items > Generate or Export

Type Utilization Summary Report

Displays a summary of Time Update TMI Posts by type within a specified date range.

  • Navigation Option 1: Reports and Dashboards > Item Management > Type Utilization Summary Report > Filter Items > Next

  • Navigation Option 2: Item Management > Item Editor > Item Type: Engine or Propeller > Part Description or Part Number Details > Reports Dropdown > Engine/Prop Utilization Summary Report > Go > Filter Items > Next

Unposted Rectifications

  • Navigation Option 1: Technical Records > TMI Entry > Search and select Serial Number > OK > Unposted TMI Entries - Note Pad to edit the log sheet > Unposted Rectifications

  • Navigation Option 2: Technical Records > TMI Manager > Reports Dropdown > Unposted Rectifications > View

Utilization Detail Report

Shows aircraft utilization within a calendar period. Appended to this report is a graph which compares hours and landings across all tail numbers specified. Each new page starts new aircraft information. Each AC will appear as long as there has been utilization (hours and landings posted) for the period reported on. The report can also be generated for engines and ground equipment.

  • Navigation Option 1: Item Management > Item Editor > Item Type: Aircraft > Part Description or Part Number or Serial Number Details > Reports Dropdown > Utilization Detail Report > Go > Filter Items > OK

  • Navigation Option 1: Item Management > Item Editor > Item Type: Engine > Part Number or Serial Number Details > Reports Dropdown > Utilization Detail Report > Go > Filter Items > OK

  • Navigation Option 3: Item Management > Item Editor > Item Type: Ground Equipment > Part Number or Serial Number Details > Reports Dropdown > Utilization Detail Report > Go > Filter Items > OK

Utilization Totals Report

  • Navigation: Reports and Dashboards > Item Management > Utilization Totals Report > Filter Items > OK

Vendor Component Reliability

Provides a listing of scheduled and unscheduled removals across overhaul facilities. For each overhaul facility an unscheduled removals graph shows a breakdown of recurring problems. Appended to the report is a comparative breakdown for each overhaul facility. The part must have a constraint/limiter on it in order to run the report.

  • Navigation: Item Management > Item Editor > All Item Types > Part Number Details > Reports Dropdown > Vendor Component Reliability Report > Filter Items > OK

Vendor Listing Report

Provides a listing of all active or inactive vendors and customers.

  • Navigation: Settings > Vendor / Customer List > Print List

Vendor Ontime Performance Report

  • Navigation: Reports and Dashboards > Purchasing > Vendor Ontime Performance Report > Filter Items > Print

Vendors Due For Audit Report

  • Navigation: Reports and Dashboards > Purchasing > Vendors Due Audit Report > Filter Items > Print

Verification Results

  • Navigation: Item Management > Item Editor > All Item Types with assemblies > Serial Number Details > Verify > Filters Items > Print

Warranty Expiration Forecast

Displays a list of parts whose warranties are due to expire within a specified number of hours, landings, or days.

  • Navigation Option 1: Reports and Dashboards > Item Management > Warranty Expiration Forecast > Filter Items > OK

  • Navigation Option 2: Item Management > Item Editor > Item Type: Aircraft > Part Description or Part Number or Serial Number Detail > Warranty Expiration Report from Reports Dropdown > Go > Filter Items > OK

  • Navigation Option 3: Item Management > Item Editor > Item Type: Ground Equipment > Serial Number Detail > Warranty Expiration Report from Reports Dropdown > Go > Filter Items > OK

Work Order Details

  • Navigation: Stores > Expense Center Transactions > Detail Report > Filter Items > Print

Work Order Label

Shows Work Order Name, Description and Barcode.

  • Navigation: Settings > Expense Centers > Expense Center Print Icon

Work Pack Control Sheet

  • Navigation: Planning and Production > Work Packs > Work Pack Details > Print Ctrl Sheet > Filter Items > Print

Work Pack Status Report

  • Navigation: Planning and Production > Work Packs > Work Pack Details > Export > Work Pack Status Report > Generate

Work Scope Report (Scheduled Maintenance Due List)

  • Navigation: Planning and Production > Maintenance Forecast > Filter Items > Generate > Utilization Rates > OK > Print > Works Scope Report and Filter Items > Print

Zero Value Receipts Report

  • Navigation: Reports and Dashboards > Purchasing > Zero Value Receipts Report > Filter Items > Print

Zone - Access Report

  • Navigation Option 1: Inspection Documents > Group Editor > Reports Dropdown > Zone - Access Report > Go > Filter Items > OK

  • Navigation Option 2: Inspection Documents > Package Editor > Reports Dropdown > Zone - Access Report > Go > Filter Items > OK

Zone Detail

Groups all job cards in an inspection package according to zone.

  • Navigation Option 1: Stores > Job Card Listing > Reports > Zone Detail & Filter Items > View Report

  • Navigation Option 2: Planning and Production > Job Card Listing > Reports > Zone Detail & Filter Items > View Report

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