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The consignment and loans screen is a ledger listing all incoming or outgoing loans and any stock sold on consignment.

Loans can be reconciled directly from this screen, and give you the option of sending items back on a shipping bill or opening an exchange order to receive your items back, depending on the scenario.

The page can be filtered to look at loans received or given, and consignment stock items over a period of time using the date range filters, as well as filter options available for Transaction Type and Owner.

Reconciling Loans

Different options exist for reconciling loans based on the transaction type.

For reconciling a loan received on an Exchange - Inbound Order (item was loaned to you), navigate to the line item in question and follow these steps.

  1. Select “Reconcile” on the line item in question.

  2. In the pop-up, you will have a number of options:

    1. Create a new shipping bill to return the part to the lender.

    2. Pick from a sent shipping bill that contains the part already.

    3. Satisfy the exchange without a shipping bill. (Note: if choosing this option, it is recommended to add notes to indicate why.)

  3. Once you have made your selection, hit Next.

  4. Depending on your selection, you will either need to fill in the details on a new shipping bill, OR RAAS will simply notify you the reconciliation is complete.

5. After these steps are completed, refreshing the listing will show the line item as “Reconciled” in the far right column.

For reconciling a loan sent on an Exchange - Outbound Order (you loaned the item), navigate to the line item in question and follow these steps.

  1. Select “Reconcile” on the line item in question.

  2. In the pop-up, you will have a number of options:

    1. Open an Exchange Order to receive the part back.

    2. Satisfy the exchange without receiving a part. (Note: if choosing this option, it is recommended to add notes to indicate why.)

    3. Once you have made your selection, hit Next.

    4. Depending on your selection, you will either need to fill in the details on an Exchange - Inbound Order OR RAAS will simply notify you the reconciliation is complete.

  3. After these steps are completed, refreshing the listing will show the line item as “Reconciled” in the far right column.


There is one report available in the Consignment & Loans submodule. This report will provide a listing of a single transaction type. For example, if you are looking to report on the Consignment Stock taken, you must have only that transaction type selected in the window to generate the report. The report will be titled “Consignment Stock Taken” and list all line items shown in the date range entered.

This report cannot be run against multiple transaction types at one time.

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