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The Stores module is designed to allow a Stores/Inventory clerk to create and/or fill part requests. The majority of part requests will be automatically created as a result of part requirements issued by Maintenance Planning. The user can also manually create part requests as necessary.

If a job card in the Planning and Production module has part requirements the Maintenance Planner can issue part requests to the Part Requests Listing sub-module. From the Part Requests Listing, the Stores clerk can respond to these requests by either taking a part from inventory and making it available for a job or by further requesting purchasing action in the event that the part must be purchased. The status of a Part Request is visible in the Planning and Production module allowing Planning and Production personnel to monitor the status of their requests in real-time.

Through the Part Requests Listing, the Stores clerk is given a diverse set of reporting tools that allow easy manipulation of part requirement information which in turn makes it easy to manage and forecast part requirements and to predict consumable stock demands.

The Stores module consists of fifteen sub-modules:

  1. Part Requests Listing - The Parts Requests Listing sub-module is designed to allow a Stores/Inventory clerk to create and/or fill part requests.

  2. Expense Center Transactions - The Expense Center is a centralized collection of all parts and labour expense data.

  3. Min Max Reorder

  4. Min Max Settings

  5. Job Card Listing - belongs to the Planning and Production module. The Job Card Listing sub-module allows users to Create, Modify and Print Job Cards.

  6. Shipping Bills

  7. Part Issues

  8. Part Issues Queue

  9. Pending IR Job Card List

  10. Expired Part List

  11. Consignment and Loans - When Exchange Orders are created in Purchasing, records are written to the Consignment and Loans sub-module.

  12. Material Inspections

  13. Pick Lists

  14. Inventory Counts

  15. Tool Allocation Listing

Figure 1 - Stores

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