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RAAS Inventory Counts allow for full or partial/cycle counts. It is recommended that items more frequently accessed be counted more often, irrespective of the value.

During an Inventory Count, each item in inventory, or a subset of inventory, is counted and recorded. When the inventory count is committed, inventory trace records are updated and transactions are written to an Expense Center. Reports of variances, including cost figures, can be produced from the Inventory Count screen and from the Expense Center.

When an Inventory Count is created, issuing from the included Traces must halt until the count has been committed. Otherwise, exceptions will be encountered and the system will not be able to perform accurate on-hand quantity adjustments. For this reason, smaller inventory counts, which can be completed and committed within a short period of time, are recommended even if performing a full Inventory Count.

To complete an inventory count:

  1. Navigate to Stores – Inventory Counts.

  2. Click the inventory for which the inventory count will be performed.

  3. Click Add to create a new inventory count.

  4. Enter a List Name.

  5. Select Parts to Include – All Parts, Consumables Only, or Non-Consumables Only. See note 1 below.

  6. Select a Sort Order.

  7. Optionally, select an employee to assign the inventory count to.

  8. Inventory Areas to include correspond to Assembly Tree locations. Select the locations that will be counted.

  9. Specify Items to include by entering a part number range, serial number range, or position range. Using the position range will provide a map through the storeroom for the count.

  10. If the inventory has been categorized using ABC Analysis, inventory counts can be created for specific classifications.

  11. Select any or all Inventory Types.

  12. Click Generate.

Figure 1: Inventory Part Count Setup

  1. Click the Options Icon and Reports button to print the Inventory Count Sheet Report, which will be used by the counter(s) to record counted quantities. (See Figure 3.)

  2. To find an Item to update the quantity counted, click the Find button. Items can be searched by Trace, Part Number or Item Number. (See Figure 4.)

  3. Items can be added to an inventory count if an item is not found in the Inventory Count list by clicking Add. Search for Item by ATA, Part Description, Part Number, Serial Number or Trace. If the Part does not exist in RAAS then Add PNAdd SN, or Add Trace as required. Click Save. (See Figure 5.)

  4. Once the physical count is completed, transcribe the counted quantities from the Inventory Count Sheet Report.

  5. Save each page as it is completed.

  6. When all pages have been saved, click the Commit button.

  7. Select an Expense Center, enter the effective date and click Commit. At this point, RAAS will make the qty adjustments and write Expense Center transactions for each adjustment.
    Note: Only non-inventory Expense Centers (ECs) can be selected to commit inventory counts to. Upon committing, two transactions are written. If the quantity is decreasing, a debit transaction is written to the Inventory EC from which the part originated and a credit transaction is written to the EC selected when committing the count. If the quantity is increasing, a credit transaction is written to the Inventory EC from which the part originated and a debit transaction is written to the EC selected when committing the count.

  8. The Inventory Count can be opened in a new Tab by selecting the Tab button. This is convenient for tablet users to have the count on a full screen.

  9. The count can be removed from the active count list by clicking the Options Icon and unchecking the Active checkbox and clicking Save. (See Figure 6.)

Figure 2: Inventory Counts

Figure 3: Report Selection

Figure 4: Find

Figure 5: Add Line Item

Figure 6: Remove Count from Active List


  1. When committing an inventory count containing non-consumable items, exceptions could occur based on the location of specific non-consumable parts. Regular movement rules will be applied and it may be necessary to process individual parts outside of the inventory count.

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