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The Min Max Reorder screen allows users to view parts with Min/Max values set for each Inventory location and determine whether to reorder additional parts.  A report can be generated using any combination of the filter criteria and RAAS will, by default, select all parts that have less than the max quantity when totaling the On Hand, On Order, In Transit, and Req for Order amounts.  It will automatically suggest an Order Amount equal to the number needed to bring the quantity to the maximum value.

The Min Max Reorder screen is found by clicking on Stores in the navigation bar on the left side of the screen and then selecting Min Max Reorder. This screen allows users to view a list of parts that may require reordering based on the selected criteria. Part Requests can also be easily created from this screen.

Using Min Max Reorder to Create Part Requests

  1. Select the inventory location that you wish to review. RAAS will default to select All Inventory Types and All Part Types, however, users can choose only one inventory or part type by deselecting the checkboxes and then choosing the type from the dropdown menus. 

  2. Choose from the following filter criteria:

    1. Display quantities under Minimum

    2. Display quantities at Minimum

    3. Include Dependent Bases

    4. Display quantities between Min & Max

    5. Display quantities over Maximum

  3. Once the desired filters are selected, click View Report. A list of all parts meeting the selected criteria will be displayed. 

  4. Changes can be made as necessary by selecting additional parts, deselecting parts, and/or manually changing the order amounts. If there is more than one page of parts listed, users can click through the pages without losing any changes that were made. 

  5. Once the order amounts are set for all applicable parts, users can click Create Part Requests to create Part Requests for all selected parts. A warning will come up telling the user that Part Requests will be created for all selected items on all pages. 

  6. Click OK. 

  7. In the pop-up window, enter the Est. Due date, add any notes, and click Create Part Requests.

  8. A message will come up stating Part Request(s) created successfully and the screen will be updated with the Order Amount now showing in the Req for Order column.

  9. The Part Requests will now be available to view in the Part Requests Listing.

Figure 1 - Min Max Reorder

Figure 2 - Using Min Max Reorder to Create Part Requests

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