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The Part Requests Listing is designed to allow a Stores/Inventory clerk to create and/or fill part requests. The majority of part requests will be automatically created as a result of part requirements issued by Maintenance Planning for job cards. The Stores user can also manually create part requests as necessary, either through the Part Requests Listing sub-module or through the Min Max Reorder sub-module. Once a Part Request has been filled and the part has been issued, the Part Request cannot be re-opened.


  1. Click on Stores and select Part Requests Listing.

Find a Part Request

  1. Click the Find button located at the footer.

  2. Choose a search type, enter the search criteria, and click Find.

  3. Click on the desired result and click Go.

Manual Part Requests

  1. Complete the navigation instructions above to generate a Part Requests Listing.

  2. Click the Add PR button.

  3. Tracked: Enter the search criteria to locate the required Part Number.
    Non-Tracked: Enter the Part Number and Part Description.

  4. You must enter a QuantityBaseDemand Base and an Estimated Due date.

    • The Priority, Priority/DMI Number, Estimated Due, and Notes fields are optional.

  5. The Part Request must either be associated to an Expense Center or to a Job Card.

  6. Click Create Part Request. The Part Request Detail window appears.

  7. To view the newly created part request in the Part Request Listing, click Refresh List.

Figure 1 - Manual Part Requests

Non-Tracked Part Requests

Requests for Non-tracked items (Part numbers not yet added in RAAS) are easily recognized as they are colour-coded purple. Because the part number is not in RAAS, the availability details binoculars do not appear.

Requests for non-tracked items can be processed as such by forwarding the request to Purchasing and adding it to a Purchase Order. This would only capture the cost of the item by writing a transaction to an Expense Center created for such purchases. This would be done for miscellaneous items that do not have to be tracked on aircraft and will not be inventoried.

If the request is for a part that does need to be tracked on aircraft or will be inventoried, it must be added by using the Add PN function. After the part is added the item requested can be changed from non-tracked to tracked by clicking the refresh icon beside the requested Qty and finding the newly added part number as in the figure above.

Non-Master Part Requests

Requests for Non-Master part numbers appear red on the Part Request Listing.

If necessary, the requested part number can be changed to the Master part number by clicking the refresh icon beside the requested Qty. In the Modify Part Number window that appears, click the Alternatives Only checkbox, select the part number with a trailing asterisk and click Save.

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