An Employee record is required for Maintenance Personnel who will be releasing aircraft, individuals responsible for approving purchases, and those users who wish to receive email notifications from RAAS.
To Add an Employee Record:
Click on the gears icon on the top right corner to open Settings, and select Employee Information.
Figure 1: Employee Information
Click the Add button.
Fill in applicable fields in the right-hand Employee Information pane.
Note: The Login Link field is read-only. Login Links are configured within the User Account sub-module. Please reference USER ACCOUNTS for advice on configuring a User Account record.
Click Save.

Figure 2: Add Employee Information
Click the Maintenance Personnel checkbox for all employees who will be selected as having completed work on jobs processed in RAAS.
Click the Operational Personnel checkbox for all employees who may be required to sign for Operational tasks. This is typically accomplished via an in-cockpit EML app.
Click the Signature Authority checkbox for all employees who will release aircraft and enter their Signing License Number. Once the record has been added a signing license effective date can be added. The Signature Authority checkbox is required to authorize TMI Digital Signoffs.
Click the Purchase Approval/Buyer checkbox for Purchasing employees and employees responsible for approving purchases.
Enter a valid business email address (Email (Bus)) for all employees who wish to receive email notifications from RAAS.
A signature file, such as a jpeg, can be uploaded for remote/electronic order approval.
Select the Email Notifications the employee is to receive.
To Print a Single Employee Badge:
Click the Print Badge button on the bottom of the Employee Information screen to print the Employee Badge with the QR code for the selected Employee.

Figure 3: Single Employee Badge
To Print all Employee Badges:
Click the Print Badges button above the employee list to print a list of all Employee Badges with QR codes.

Figure 4: All Employee Badges

Figure 5: Printing Employee Badges