Stamps are used when adding Rectifications to Job Cards in RAAS and on TMI Entries in Technical Records. Job Cards created in RAAS will indicate which Stamp is required and users must select that Stamp and enter their password in order to apply their digital signature for the Stamp.
Adding a Stamp:
Click on the Settings menu and select Stamps.
Click Add.
Enter the Stamp details.
Click Save.

Figure 1: Adding a Stamp
The Stamp Name will appear in the selection of stamps and on any reports that include stamp names.
The Description should include text to help users when selecting stamps. This text is visible in the Rectification stamp selection window when hovering over the stamp name and also during the final Stamp/Release Digital Signature step as the Release Statement.
The Number of Signatures can be 0, 1 or 2. Zero signature stamps are intended for elementary maintenance and other actions which may need to close a Job Card but can be accomplished by a non-signature authority.
The Effective As Of Date indicates when this version of the stamp became effective. Job Cards created prior to this date will not be able to select this stamp unless there is an earlier version which is dated prior to the Job Card creation date.
The Default Stamp flag will cause the stamp to be the default stamp when new Job Cards are created. Only one stamp can be the default. To change the default to another stamp, go to that stamp and select the Default flag there. Note that Stamp requirements for planned inspections and maintenance actions can be pre-defined within the applicable inspection “Job Card Template.” Refer to Job Card Templates.
The Active flag indicates that this stamp is active and available for selection when creating Job Cards. Stamps that are inactive retain their history but are no long selectable when creating Job Cards.
The Maintenance Release flag indicates that this stamp may be used to close a Job Card. If this flag is not selected then it will only be usable with non-closure Rectifications.
The Special Requirements flag drives special requirements options which are optionally used to drive reporting options.
The Distinct Signatures Required flag is required for all stamps. This flag is a reminder. If you require the same signer to sign twice for the same Rectification then you may use multiple stamps.
Editing a Stamp
Click on the Settings menu and select Stamps.
Click the magnifying glass next to an existing Stamp.
Change the flag selections, as required.
If changes are required to the Description, Number of Signatures, Labels, or Effective Date, click Add Effective Date to add a new Description.
Enter the Stamp Details and click Save.
Click Save.

Figure 2: Editing a Stamp