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Task Findings History allows users to view historical task accomplishment. Data includes planned Job Cards that a task has been related to over the course of time, descendent non-planned Job Cards, and the hours of labour incurred. It can be accessed when viewing/editing a task within Task Editor, via the MPD Tasks button within a Job Card, or via the Task Findings History Export within Reports and Dashboards.

IDM Task Findings History Window Overview

This window shows all of the Job Cards that a particular task has been accomplished for.

  1. The sort order in this window is by Job Card Created, then Job Card Number.

  2. The listing is grouped by the Job Card Number and any descendent Job Cards with the same Origin Job Card Number. The Job Card Numbers can be clicked to open up the Job Card Detail window.

  3. With this, the Task Origin, Task ATA, Task Item Number, and Task Title for items under the same Origin Job Card will all be blank for these grouped items for less clutter.

  4. The Estimated and Actual Manhours for each Job Card/Rectification can be seen.

  5. There is a separate entry for each Rectification, but those against open Job Cards are not shown.

  6. Clicking the Export button will allow the results to be downloaded as an Excel file.


Figure 1: IDM Task Findings History Window Overview

Task Findings History via Task Editor

Task Findings History can be accessed via the Task Editor by following the below steps:

  1. Click on Inspection Documents and select Task Editor.

  2. If your fleet consists of multiple aircraft types, select the desired aircraft type from the Aircraft Type dropdown.

  3. Find the task to be viewed. This may require changes to the Task Editor filters.

  4. Click on the button with two dots (..) next to the desired task to open the task detail screen on the right-hand side.

  5. Click on the Findings History button to open the IDM Task Findings History window, showing all of the historical Job Cards associated to the selected task.


Figure 2: Task Findings History via Task Editor

Task Findings History via a Job Card


  1. Click on Planning & Production (or Stores) and select Job Card Listing.

  2. Select the applicable Aircraft or Company and Job Card Group.

  3. Click the Generate button.
    Note: If the Job Card you want is not in the list, click the Filter button to adjust the filter settings and click Save. Click the Generate button.

Find a Job Card

  1. Follow steps 1 and 2 of the Navigation instructions.

  2. Click the Find button.

  3. Enter the search criteria and select the appropriate fields and status criteria to be searched and click Find.

  4. Select the check box for the desired result and click View. Close the Job Card Find window once you have the desired Job Card.

Once the desired Job Card has been found and the Job Card Detail window has been opened, the Task Findings History can be accessed by following the below steps:

  1. Click on the MPD Tasks button to open the Job Card MPD Listing window. This window shows all Inspection Document items related to this Job Card.

  2. Click on the Printer button next to the desired task to open the IDM Task Findings History window to see all Job Cards that this task has been accomplished for.
    Note: Refer to the IDM Task Findings History Window Overview (Figure 1) above for more info on this window.


Figure 3: Task Findings History via a Job Card

Task Findings History Export

Task Findings History can also be accessed via the Reports and Dashboards module as an Excel file for all task history within a 1-year date range. To generate this Excel file, follow the below steps:

  1. From within the Inspection Documents module, click the Reports and Dashboards button.
    Note: This can be done from any module, but you will have to click Show All under the Reports and Dashboards module to see the reports listed under Inspection Documents.

  2. Click Task Findings History Export to open the IDM Task Findings History window.
    Note: No tasks will be listed in this window as the full IDM Task History listing is only available as an export.

  3. Enter a Start Date for the export.

  4. Enter an End Date for the export.
    Note: The date range for this export can only be up to 1-year. If outside of this range, a popup will warn the user of this.

  5. When satisfied with the date range selected, click Export to be able to download an Excel file that contains all task history for the selected date range.


Figure 4: Task Findings History Export

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