The Invoice Matching submodule is an Accounts Payable function that allows users to keep track of vendor invoices for items received on orders in RAAS and can also be used as the basis of integrations between RAAS and finance systems. For financial integrations, the invoice is first created in RAAS and once accepted, it would be sent up to the finance system.
Adding an Invoice
Click on Purchasing and select Invoice Matching.
Select a Vendor from the dropdown list.
Click Add Invoice.
Enter the Invoice Total, Invoice Number and Invoice Date in the invoice header section. Notes can also be added, if applicable.
Click Save.
Figure 1: Adding an Invoice
Once saved, the invoice will appear on the Pending tab and items can now be added to the invoice. A Total will also appear beside the invoice total. This total is the value of all items that have been added to the invoice and will be black if the total matches the Invoice Total and red if the total does not match the Invoice Total.
Note: Once an invoice is added, the Invoice Total, Invoice Number and Invoice Date cannot be changed. If a correction is required, the invoice can be deleted using the X button in the Pending invoices list and then added again with the correct details.
Adding Invoice Items from an Order
Click Sel from Order.
Search for the order items by Order #, Packing Slip #, or Invoice # and click Find.
Note: The Packing Slip # and Invoice # are details that can be entered while receiving items on orders. A Packing Slip # is mandatory while an Invoice # is optional. If Freight was included on the invoice, you can click the "Include Freight Charges" checkbox, but Freight is often invoiced separately by the carrier.All items that match the search criteria will be listed in the lower section of the window.
The Invoice Data section of each item will be populated with the details from the RAAS order and can be manually changed, if necessary. A green checkmark indicates that the invoice price matches the order price and if the price is changed, a red X will indicate that the invoice price does not match the order price.
Review the items and click the Sel checkbox to select the items to be added to the invoice.
Once all desired items have been selected, click Add sel to add the items to the invoice.
Figure 2: Selecting Items from an Order
Additional items can be added using different search criteria, if necessary.
When the price of an item that was added to the invoice from an order is manually changed, the Order Price Per and Order Total will appear in red. There will also be a green checkbox to the left of the Item Description. Clicking this checkbox will accept the discrepancy between the Invoice Price and the Order Price and the green checkbox will no longer appear.
Figure 3: Discrepancies
Note: Rather than accepting the discrepancy, it may be better to adjust the receipt price on the order to match the invoice if the order price was incorrect. This can be done by clicking the link to the order from the Invoice Matching screen or from the Orders submodule. Orders that are buyer exclusive will be read-only and can only be adjusted by the buyer.
Adding Manual Items
If items were included on the invoice that were not included on the order in RAAS, they can be added to the invoice manually.
Click Add Manual Item.
Select either Invoice Item or Adjustment from the dropdown and enter the item details including the description, quantity, and pricing details.
Click Save.
Figure 4: Adding Manual Items
Modifying Invoice Items
To modify the description or pricing details of an item already added to the invoice, click the edit icon to the left of the item. Make the necessary corrections and click Save.
To delete an item from the invoice, click the X icon to the left of the item.
If a manual item was added to an invoice that later can be matched to an item from an order, click the Binoculars beside the item, search for the item, select the item, and click Match Item.
Figure 5: Modifying Invoice Items
Accepting an Invoice
Before an invoice can be accepted, all discrepancies must be accepted and the total of the items on the invoice must match the Invoice Total.
Click Accept Invoice.
Figure 6: Accepting an Invoice
Once accepted, the invoice will be moved to the Accepted tab and items can no longer be added, edited, or removed from the invoice. If necessary, the link between the item on the invoice and the RAAS order can be broken by clicking the X button beside the order number.
Click on the Reports and Dashboards menu.
Select Item Transactions Report.
The Invoice Matching Report Parameters allow users to filter the report using various criteria. The Display selection can be changed to view only items that have been matched, unmatched or both.
Click Print to view the report.
Figure 7: Invoice Matching Reports
Parts Accrual Report
The Parts Accrual Report contains a Receiving section that lists all received items matching the specified report parameters. The Accounts Payable section of the report shows the details of the invoice that the items have been matched to.
Figure 8: Parts Accrual Report
Inventory Tracking Report
The Inventory Tracking Report includes all of the information from the Parts Accrual Report as well a Part Issue section that shows the Expense Center Transaction details from the item receipt. The Expense Center (WO) shown will be the Charge Price to (EC) that was selected on the order. The Invoice # will be populated only if the transaction has been invoiced in RAAS through Expense Center Transactions. Note that the Part Issue section will not be populated if the order transactions have not yet been imported.
Figure 9: Inventory Tracking Report