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The Purchasing module is designed to manage both purchase orders (POs) and repair orders (ROs). RAAS treats purchase orders and repair orders in the same way, the difference being that the company usually already owns parts received on a repair order.

The Purchasing module contains seven sub-modules:

  1. Orders - the Purchaser can create a new purchase order and order items for replenishing inventory, etc.

  2. Order Approval - allows users to view, approve, and reject orders awaiting approval.

  3. Purchasing Inbox - the user responds to purchase requests by creating a new purchase order, or by issuing the parts requested to a purchase order that is already open.

  4. Invoice Matching - the Invoice Matching sub-module provides a facility for entering invoice data as invoices are received from vendors.

  5. Request for Quotation (RFQ) - allows users to generate and manage RFQs for various parts.

  6. Pending Repair Order List - lists all new pending Repair Orders indicating whether they can be sent.

  7. Outstanding Order Items Notifications - allows users to create reporting profiles to receive recurring Outstanding Order Items reports.

Figure 1: Purchasing Module

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