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While every Item Type in RAAS is fundamentally built with a Part Description, Part Number, and Serial Number, a main source of differentiation is the set of allowable installations for any Item Type. Although each Item Type has a set list of possible installations, your company may or may not make use of each option for each Item Type. Below is each Item Type with its possible installations, as well as any other relevant information.


Aircraft can be installed to:

  • Base

  • Dead

  • External Repair

  • Internal Repairs

  • Internal Shipping

  • Quarantine


Bases can only be installed to the Company, or to Dead.


Please refer to the Consumables Help Page


The Employee Item Type is generally installed to the Staffing Location at the appropriate Base, though they can also be moved to Quarantine, or to Dead to retain records.


Engines can be installed to the following:

  • Aircraft

  • Awaiting Repair

  • Dead

  • Engine

  • External Repair

  • Ground Equipment

  • Internal Repairs

  • Internal Shipping

  • Inventory

  • Issued for Maintenance

  • Quarantine

  • Return to Inventory

Ground Equipment

Ground Equipment share the same behaviour as serialized parts and are meant to be installed at a Base, however, they can also be installed to Inventory to better facilitate shipping and receiving functions in RAAS. If Ground Equipment is received into Inventory, it will not automatically move to the Base, and must be moved manually, if desired. Ground Equipment can be installed in these locations:

  • Base

  • Dead

  • External Repair

  • Internal Repairs

  • Internal Shipping

  • Inventory

  • Quarantine


Inspections can be installed to the following locations:

  • Aircraft

  • Base

  • Company

  • Dead

  • Engine

  • Ground Equipment

  • Inspection

  • Inventory

  • Non-serialized

  • Propeller

  • Serialized

  • Tool


The Non-Serialized Item Type exists for items without an actual original manufacturer serial number. Non-serialized parts differ from Serialized parts in name only. A RAAS non-serialized part must be assigned a serial number, which will represent one (1) particular part. This allows these non-serialized items to be tracked and used in the system exactly like their serialized counterparts. Non-serialized parts can be installed to:

  • Aircraft

  • Awaiting Repair

  • Base

  • Dead

  • Engine

  • External Repair

  • Ground Equipment

  • Internal Repairs

  • Internal Shipping

  • Inventory

  • Issued for Maintenance

  • Non-serialized

  • Propeller

  • Quarantine

  • Return to Inventory

  • Serialized

  • Tool


Propellers can be installed to the following:

  • Aircraft

  • Awaiting Repair

  • Dead

  • Engine

  • External Repair

  • Internal Repairs

  • Internal Shipping

  • Inventory

  • Issued for Maintenance

  • Quarantine

  • Return to Inventory


Serialized components can be installed to:

  • Aircraft

  • Awaiting Repair

  • Dead

  • Engine

  • External Repair

  • Ground Equipment

  • Internal Repairs

  • Internal Shipping

  • Inventory

  • Issued for Maintenance

  • Non-serialized

  • Propeller

  • Quarantine

  • Return to Inventory

  • Serialized

  • Tool


Tools are generally stored in the Tools Crib in Inventory. It is recommended that Tools are primarily managed through the Tool Allocation Listing in the Stores Module. This allows the user to list all allocated tools and to run utilization history reports.

Tools have several possible installation locations:

  • Awaiting Repair

  • Dead

  • External Repair

  • Internal Repairs

  • Internal Shipping

  • Issued for Maintenance

  • Quarantine

  • Tool

  • Tool Crib

Training Requirements

Training Requirements are to Employees as Inspections are to aircraft and components. In RAAS, Training Requirements are installed to Employees and generally track calendar limits. The Maintenance Forecast is used to generate a list of upcoming training requirements for a base, an Employee, or a specific Training Requirement. Training Requirements are a good candidate for a Maintenance Forecast Profile.

Training requirements can be installed to:

  • Employee

  • Staffing

  • Training Requirements

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