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The Input Fields & Formulas sub-module within RAAS empowers operators to define customized accumulators for various aircraft types, assemblies, and components. This functionality proves essential in cases where the standard airframe hours and cycles accumulation is inadequate. Rotary aircraft types, in particular, often require special accumulators known as Complex Penalty Factors or Complex Counters. One prominent example is the Retirement Index Number (RIN), a formula-based accumulator commonly used for Bell rotary types (multiple RIN calculation methods exist). Although less frequent, similar situations can arise with fixed-wing aircraft, especially those with variable rates of landing gear cycles accumulation based on the landing surface as commonly seen on ATR 42 and ATR 72 Aircraft.

Our RAAS Input Fields & Formulas utilities offer comprehensive control and visibility over the historical counter accumulation process, irrespective of the application.

Within Input Fields & Formulas, several functions and workflows are provided to support customized accumulator functionality. These workflows and the associated functionality are described in their respective help pages, as linked below:

Glossary of Terms



Input Field

An input field refers to a customizable area within the Flight Logs user interface that allows users to input data. Once defined by the user, the input field becomes visible in the user interface, enabling data entry. These fields can be associated with the counter of a specific part number or assembly. For instance, an input field named [Starts] can be linked to the Cycles counter of an engine assembly, enabling the accumulation of more complex hours or cycles accumulation against a given Part Number. Furthermore, input fields can be utilized within formulas alongside other counters and input fields. It's worth noting that input fields are also accessible through the Flight Logs API, making it possible to receive accumulation data from external sources.


A formula refers to a mathematical expression that incorporates input fields, counters, runway types, and mathematical operators to generate a calculated value. Formulas can be assigned to the counter of a specific part number or assembly. For instance, a formula named [B205 Main Rotor Mast RIN] could be designated to accumulate values into the RIN counter of a B205 main rotor mast part number or, if applicable, a main rotor mast assembly.

By utilizing Operators, Airframe Counters, Runway Types, Input Fields, and values, formulas provide a flexible and dynamic way to perform calculations within the Flight Logs module. They enable the automated calculation of values based on the provided inputs, allowing for efficient tracking and management of various metrics. Formulas can be tailored to specific requirements and can be adjusted as needed to accommodate changes in data inputs or calculations.

Airframe Counters

Airframe counters, specifically the [Hours] and [Cycles] counters, are system-controlled metrics that are accessible at the aircraft type level within the Fields and Formulas sub-module. These counters represent the accumulated time and cycles that the airframe of an aircraft has undergone, based on the recorded data in a given Flight Log.

The [Hours] counter reflects the total flight hours accumulated by the airframe, indicating the duration of its operation. On the other hand, the [Cycles] counter signifies the number of complete operational cycles that the airframe has experienced, which could include takeoffs and landings or any other relevant operational cycle defined for the aircraft.

Both the [Hours] and [Cycles] counters are made available for use within formulas. This means that these values can be incorporated into mathematical expressions alongside other variables, input fields, and operators. By utilizing these airframe counters within formulas, users can derive calculated values or perform specific calculations based on the accumulated flight hours and cycles of the airframe. This functionality enhances the flexibility and analytical capabilities of the Flight Logs system.


A counter refers to an accumulator that can be defined at either the airframe or part number level within the Flight Logs system. Standard counters include the widely used [Hours] and [Cycles] counters, which track the accumulated flight hours and operational cycles, respectively.

The Fields and Formulas sub-module provides the flexibility to customize counters through the use of Counter Labels, Input Fields, and Formulas. Counter Labels allow users to define and label specific counters according to their requirements. This customization capability enables the construction of virtually any type of counter to suit diverse tracking needs.

By combining Counter Labels with Input Fields and Formulas, users can create and manage specialized counters beyond the standard [Hours] and [Cycles]. The ability to construct customized counters provides enhanced versatility and adaptability within the Flight Logs system, enabling users to tailor the tracking and analysis of data according to their specific operational or maintenance needs.

Counter Label

A counter label refers to the customizable text that can be assigned to a specific counter of a part number within the Fields and Formulas sub-module. Counter labels provide a way to accurately describe the type of data that the counter is accumulating, allowing for clear and meaningful representation.

The Fields and Formulas sub-module allows users to customize counter labels, enabling them to tailor the labels to best reflect the specific context and purpose of the counter. This customization is particularly useful in cases where the standard label, such as [Cycles], may not precisely convey the nature of the accumulated data.

For instance, in the case of a fixed-wing aircraft landing gear, it may be more appropriate to customize the label as "Landings" to accurately represent the data being accumulated by the Cycles counter. Similarly, for a Bell 205 main rotor mast part number, a label like "RIN" could be assigned to provide a specific identifier for the counter. In the case of an engine, the label "Starts" might be more appropriate to indicate the accumulation of engine start events.

By customizing counter labels, users can ensure that the labels associated with each counter accurately reflect the type of data being tracked. This enhances clarity, usability, and the overall understanding of the accumulated metrics.

Counter Assignment

Counter assignment refers to the process of linking an input field or formula to an individual part number counter within the Fields and Formulas sub-module. This assignment determines the source of accumulation for the counter, specifying how the hours or landings value of a linked part (or part assembly) is calculated and updated.

For instance, in the case of the RIN counter of a Bell 205 main rotor mast part number, a formula called "B205 Main Rotor Mast RIN" would be assigned to it. This formula acts as the source of accumulation for the RIN counter, and the counter value is updated based on the calculated output of the formula and applied as hours or landing accumulation to the part assembly. The formula determines the rate at which the RIN counter accumulates, incorporating relevant variables, input fields, and mathematical operations.

Similarly, the Starts counter of an engine part number can be assigned an input field called "Starts." Each Flight Log's Starts quantity input is used as the source of accumulation for the Starts counter. The counter value is updated based on the Starts quantity provided in each Flight Log, enabling the tracking of engine start events.

By assigning input fields or formulas to specific counters, users can establish the mechanisms by which the counters accumulate data. This flexibility allows for dynamic and automated accumulation based on calculated outputs or user-provided inputs, enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of data tracking.


In the context of RAAS, an assembly refers to a grouping of components and inspections that form a cohesive unit. Assemblies are represented as a hierarchical tree structure, with the top-level item being the Assembly Header. These assemblies can be installed on aircraft, or they can exist separately in an off-wing capacity, such as being stored on a shelf or in inventory.

RAAS allows for flexible counter assignment options for assemblies. Users have the choice of assigning counters either on a per-assembly or per-part basis. When a counter, utilizing an input field or formula, is assigned to the Assembly Header item, all items associated with or installed on that assembly can be set to accumulate at the same rate as the assembly itself.

This means that if a counter is set to accumulate using an input field or formula at the assembly level, the corresponding components, inspections, or sub-assemblies within that assembly will accumulate data at the same rate. The accumulation rate is determined by the input field or formula assigned to the assembly. This streamlined approach simplifies data tracking, ensuring consistency and accuracy in the accumulation of metrics for all items within the assembly.

By offering both per-assembly and per-part counter assignment options, RAAS provides flexibility to accommodate various tracking requirements. Users can choose the most suitable approach based on the specific assembly structure and the desired level of granularity in data accumulation within the Flight Logs system.

Runway Types

Runway types refer to a predefined list of runway categories that can be incorporated into formulas within the Fields and Formulas sub-module. Each runway type is associated with specific airport codes, allowing for the identification of the type of runway surface at a destination airport as defined in the Airport Information sub-module. Runway types play a role in conditional calculations within formulas, where the landing surface of the flight log's destination airport is evaluated to determine if it matches a specified runway type mentioned in the formula.

When a formula includes references to runway types, the destination airport identified in each flight log is assessed to determine if the aircraft landed on a runway surface that corresponds to the specified runway type in the formula. Runway types essentially function as implicit conditional statements within formulas. If the landing surface of the flight log's destination airport matches the runway type mentioned in the formula, the corresponding runway type variable will return a value of 1. Otherwise, if there is no match, the runway type variable will return a value of 0.

For example, let's consider a Flight Log record of a single landing at an airport with a gravel airstrip. Assume a formula is defined as ( [Gravel] * 1.2 ) + [Asphalt] ) * [Cycles]. In this case, the formula will be evaluated as ( [1] * 1.2 ) + [0] ) * [1] = 1.2. Here, the variable [Gravel] represents the runway type "Gravel," which matches the landing surface of the flight log's destination airport. Consequently, it returns a value of 1. On the other hand, the variable [Asphalt] corresponds to the runway type "Asphalt," which does not match the landing surface and therefore returns a value of 0. The formula's calculation considers these values along with the [Cycles] counter to produce a final result of 1.2.

By incorporating runway types into formulas, users can introduce conditional calculations that account for different runway surfaces and adjust the calculated values accordingly. This functionality enables more accurate and specific calculations based on the characteristics of the landing surfaces recorded in the Airport Information sub-module.

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